Research Experience

My research is focused mainly on the biomonitoring of environmental pollution, both atmospheric and aquatic, using different organisms such as bryophytes, lichens, trees, algae, etc, and how this pollution can affect the environment.

I carried out my PhD studies (2010-2014) in the ECOTOX group of Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC) to optimize the use of mosses as good biomonitors of air pollution in worldwide, during this period I did a 3 months-predoctoral stay funded by the EU Project “MossClone” at University of Trieste (Italy). I obtained my PhD in June 2014 with Cum Laude and International Mention and subsequent Extraordinary Doctorate Award.

During my postdoctoral period I obtained 4 competitive contracts and completed 3 postdoctoral fellowships stays abroad obtaining a network of collaborators: i) in 2015 at the University of Concepción (Chile) leading a small project (6000 euros) of 4 months; ii) in 2016 ‘Juan de la Cierva- Formación' from the Ministry of Science (50.000€ funding) but I renounced this contract in favour of postdoctoral grant Xunta de Galicia Modality-A (107.000€ funding) at the University of Lisbon (Portugal) during 2 years participating as a researcher in a project funded by the Portuguese FCT in the e-Changes group of CE3C where I continue as an external collaborator; iii) between 2018- 2022, I was in ECOTOX-USC enjoying a postdoc contract from the Xunta Mod A-return phase (2018-2019) and Modality B (=78.000€ funding) with an associated project of 25.000€ entitled "Use of trees as green filters for hydrocarbons in urban environments"; iv) in 2022 at Tvärminne Zoological Station (University of Helsinki, Finland) during 3.5 months collaborating in the project RESIST as part of the EU-funded AQUACOSM-plus project. Since December 2022 I am at ECOTOX-USC group with a María Zambrano contract (69. 300€ funding) from the “Ministry of Universities” developing a project on biomonitoring of marine pollution..

Teaching Experience

I have experience in teaching subjects related to ecology and sampling techniques with 320 hours of teaching in the Teaching Organization Plan (POD) from University of Santiago de Compostela, at BSc level, obtaining 4 very good ratings (score > 4.5, out of 5) in the students’ assessment of teachers. I have received the accreditation required for an Associate Professor Position (Profesora Contratada Doctora) from ANECA in 2021.

I have supervised 14 End-of-course projects (TFG) and 2 Master's project (TFM) in USC, and currently I am co‐supervising 1 PhD students (FPU-2018 associated)

I have also acted as ordinary member on the examination board of 1 PhD thesis.